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Sector ADS Sector ADS Web Shop Sector Security
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We have the largest and highest-capacity scanning facility in BiH, fully equipped with Microform scanners (Microform is one of the global market leaders in scanner manufacturing), our Daily throughput is 100.000 scans. Microform scanners provide the best quality of scanned images: pure image, a uniform contrast, great image compression, the ability to OCR, ICR, bar code reading, creation of text files...

We are committed to meeting the high reliability and quality standards and we are immensely proud to be recognized for our business stability, professional responsibility and expertise.

Digitizing - Scanning

We, here at Sector ADS, carry out scanning and processing of documents on ultra-fast colour,/black and white scanners, manufactured by Microform. At this point our daily throughput performance is 100.000 scans.


Keeping your documentation on microfilm, represents a secure, legally accepted and recognized lasting solution. This way you have continouosly solved the issue of safety and security of your most important documents.

Complete legal and archive security, as well as easy access to information, is made possible with hybrid archiving. It enables secure and continous storage of all documents stored in an electronic form, keeping information both on microfilm and in digital form.

Should out of date documentation NOT be properly destroyed, it can seriously jeopardize company management or client liaison. We offer secure and confidential shredding (disintegration) and recycling service of all kinds of documents, carried out according to very strict standards.


Having trouble with piles of documentation that is taking up unnecessary space?? We have a solution!! Your documentation is secure in our archive Depot and accessible 24 hours. We also offer consultation regarding to the arrangement of / or getting your archive equipped.